Invest in a $50 home ice cream maker. Freeze the container for 24 hours before preparing the contents.
(Or else, follow the traditional way of alternating between freezing and stirring, if you have the time.)
Method :
Prepare gelatine by dissolving 2 tsp of powder in 2 TBS water. Let it stand till ready for use. Add to jackfruit mixture.
Whip jackfruit into pulp with 300 g of brown sugar, a pinch of salt and bring to the soft boil. Add gelatine.
Finally add full cream (small carton of 250 ml) and 1/2 cup of milk.
Optional : two tablespoons of coconut milk.
Set aside to cool for 10 minutes.
Pour the pre-frozen ice-cream bowl.
Cover, turn on and churn the mixture till creamy.
Switch off. Cover the bowl and return it to the freezer.
Store for at least 20 hours before consuming.
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